What Exectly is an Elite Courtesan? Escort Girls
When we discuss 'elite escorts' and 'courtesans', we refer to the proper meaning of these words, before they were hijacked and often associated with less tasteful activities. Our company provides fresh, elite companions for refined gentlemen seeking Escort ladies who are not displayed on every website he sees. We've outlined the details within this short article.
There are thousands of escort and companion agencies in the world, of many different styles. But you're not an ordinary man, so why settle for dealing with ordinary company? One can find an 'available Escort woman' anywhere. However a truly elite Escort woman is less common.
For the busy, affluent executive or VIP, mediocre Escort woman are unacceptable, and the time involved in meeting people or trawling websites for dating is not an option. Enter the courtesan. While for many, the terms 'courtesan' and 'escort' are interchangeable, a few characteristics set the elite courtesan apart from her cousin, the high class escort.
You can find a brief outline of the origins of courtesans here. This might give you some insight into the higher quality of Escort ladies we select to be available for introduction to you.
A high end courtesan is a refined, gracious Escort woman of some breeding. She is generally from an upper-middle class or upper class background with excellent education. She has been exposed to the finer things in life, and is not only comfortable in high society settings, she prefers them. She has few airs and graces as such, but is naturally elegant and elite, by birth. She is just a free spirit and enjoys the company of equally elite gentlemen, as opposed to being tied to one partner.
A courtesan is hardly from the Nouveau Riche. She is accustomed to luxury and a comfortable, jet set lifestyle. Yet she is far from a gold digger. She is intelligent enough and competent enough to make her own. However, she simply loves to accompany wealthy men for their knowledge and power. She finds wealthy, powerful and intelligent men alluring and exciting. And in return she offers her immense beauty and intellect, to create a wonderful escape from the mundane world. A meeting with a courtesan is revitalizing on every level.
This Escort woman is empowered; not aggressively, but with great femininity and gentle grace. She is confident, naturally beautiful, and well aware of her effect on men. Yet she never exploits that. She is exceedingly selective, and only makes herself available to a certain elite demographic of gentlemen who know how to behave with such a Escort woman. She takes superb care of herself in terms of her fitness, health, and beauty. And is well versed in all manner of current affairs, history, art, wines, music and culture. Her social etiquette is impeccable, and her presentation immaculate and discreet.
The elite courtesans can accompany any VIP to any event, and never ever be suspected as a new partner. She will blend into any occasion perfectly, and never embarrass you with off-color comments, inappropriate conversation or distasteful attire. These are the Escort woman that refined gentlemen dream of meeting for clandestine dating and private affairs of the heart. And she does provide affairs of the heart. This Escort woman has a great capacity for love, and can give far more of herself than a regular escort. Her ability to connect with you mentally, emotionally and spiritually, exchanging beautiful energy with you, is part of what sets her apart.
With her developed sense of compassion and her mature minded approach to life, she is the Escort woman gentlemen turn to for support, discussion, connection, and relaxation. She is not a silly little girl, nor a mindless prostitute. This phenomenal Escort woman is one with whom you can be yourself, and find yourself. No judgment, no expectations, no stress.
Meet The Escort Courtesans Here. Escort Girls